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Family Law Specialists

We assist in times of change or deterioration in family relationships.  We recognise that family breakups can occur at any time in a persons relationships. We can discuss the various options open to you to resolve or safeguard any  rights, resources and entitlement concerns you may have in so far as this is possible at an early stage. We help you find a path to balancing your needs and if required those of any dependent children with financial resources available. Resolution of these concerns should always initially be sought by agreement between the parties or if this is not successful we can advise you and bring any case to a resolution through the courts where necessary.

FaMily Law & ChiLd CaRe CoNcerns

We always aim to adopt a positive, constructive and sensible approach to obtain the best possible result for our clients. We can assist with any queries or concerns you have in the following areas :


  • Separation & Divorce;

  • Civil Partnership and Co-Habitation issues;

  • Property co-ownership or entitlements;

  • Child related issues including Maintenance, Custody, Access and Guardianship;

  • Issues relating to parentage;

  • Domestic Violence;

  • Pre-marriage advice.

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